Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sensorimotor Stage 0-2

This video proves that object permanence is not the only task during this stage that infants have to solve. After watching this video, I have slowly started to observe a baby's reaction when they play "peek a boo" with an adult. I did not give it much thought before but it is intriguing to see how a baby will believe that the adult is in fact "invisible" even if they can see their hands, hair and clothing.

In the video it is said that, "Everything has a life of it's own even if it is out of sight." I recently tested this idea with my one-year-old cousin. I placed a toy air plane in front of him then hid it behind my back. When I asked him where the plane went he said, "It flew away into the sky!" This is an example of an inanimate object having a life of it's own even if it is nowhere in sight.

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