Monday, April 19, 2010

Nature Vs. Nurture

For centuries, there has been a debate on whether a person's innate qualities (nature) or personal experiences (nurture) determine his or her development. Recent research shows that both genetics and environment play a part in determining an individual's behavior, intelligence, and personality.

There have been some interesting cases that show that nurture plays an important role in the development of an individual. One of these cases is that of a boy who was raised by wolves who developed the characteristics of a wolf himself. Some of the abnormal behaviors he exhibited include violent behavior, inability to stand upright, and the inability to learn to speak. He even had extra sharp teeth and claw-like hands and feet.

Those who are neglected by others or not taught how to act in social situations never fully develop.

One of the most interesting cases that show nature plays a larger role is of twins who were separated at birth. This video is very interesting because even though these twins were separated at birth, they have a significant amount of similarities in their personalities and interests.

Homosexuality is something that people look to nature v. nurture to explain. Is homosexuality genetic or do you become homosexual due to experiences in your life?

This is a question yet to be answered. There have been cases that would make us think that it has to do with nature, such as twins raised the same way and one is homosexual while the other is straight. There is also evidence that homosexuality runs in families. The diverse evidence shows that it cannot be completely genetics. This video shows both of these cases and other possible explanations such as hormones, nurture before birth, and if one has older brothers.

We now know that nature and nurture are both very important in the development of a child.

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